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To Cure Sometimes,
To Relieve Often,
To Comfort Always...


Remembering Our Precious Companions

Our motto at the Rocky Mountain Animal Hospital is: "To Cure Sometimes, To Relieve Often, To Comfort Always..."

In the spirit of this motto we remember these loving companions with fondness in the words of their families.

  • Nippy
  • Honey
  • Teiko
  • Nippy

    On August 28th of 2013, we said good bye to our sweet little Nippy (or “Nip”). She enriched my life and those of my family and friends for 17 years. Her name came about when she was just a small kitten. She was born into a litter of four of a feral cat in my sister’s back yard on May 31st 1996. My sister and her husband watched this small black feral cat tenderly care for her four little ones, dutifully hunting and bringing back food. We did not know where the “nest” was, but somehow this wild cat sensed we meant her or her little ones no harm. In time, we started giving “Blackie” and her “kids” treats and food. One Saturday morning, my sister and her husband heard an awful crying and rushed outside to find little Nip caught around the neck by a string from an old shopping bag that had blown into the yard. She was trapped in a juniper bush. Blackie was circling around and hissing, but could not help her little one. My sister’s husband finally was able to cut the strings loose but not before Nip passed out. In just a few moments, however, she came to and seemed none the worse for wear. She trotted off with her mom. Hence, Nippy’s name: for it was “Nip and tuck” for awhile there and surely her life was saved that day. We think that maybe her “near death” experience made her the sweetest little cat around. She was so easy going and got along well with humans, cats and dogs. She was extremely loving and affectionate. Her one vice was that she really enjoyed her food! In fact, she begged at the table just like a dog, and ate some very “uncatlike” items if given the chance. She was also a very verbal kitty and enjoyed speaking her mind!

    Actually “little” Nip was a misnomer, for she at one time weighed 18 lbs! Via the “Catkins” diet, she got down to a svelte 15 lbs. Unfortunately, she began to suffer from severe arthritis in her shoulders and elbows and despite Dr. Jane trying everything available to ease her suffering, it became apparent to us that the quality of her life was becoming less then she deserved. She also lost her hearing and that, plus her pain, made me realize that I needed to finally do the kind thing.

    I am very grateful to Dr. Jane and her staff for their compassion and care during a difficult time. I will never forget my darling sweet girl. I know that she is now running, jumping and playing with abandon at Rainbow Bridge, where we will all be together again one day.

    Anne-Marie Conolly
  • Honey

    You came into my life in May of 2006. I was walking through the animal shelter as I often did just to pass time and to look at cute puppies. I will never forget turning the corner and seeing you sitting there. The moment I saw your face I was hooked. In all the chaos of dogs barking wildly, you were quiet, and as I knelt down to see if you would let me pet you, you put your paw up to me as if you were introducing yourself and began to wag your tail. I knew at that very moment, we would share a bond that would change my life forever. For the next week I begged my mom to let me adopt you, and then on that fateful day, my mom brought you home as a college graduation gift. You were the most perfect gift anyone could ask for. I knew instantly that your name was Honey, not because of your hair color, but because you were the sweetest, most gentle, affectionate dog I had ever come across in my lifetime. I wasn’t the only one who felt that way. Everyone who met you loved you instantly. You had an impact on everyone you came in contact with, bringing a warmth to our home and happiness to each person that got to spend time with you. From the day you entered the family, our adventure started. You were my co-pilot, going with me wherever I went. Our travels took us to our first home in Seattle, where you loved to go on hikes around the lakes and mountains and play on the beaches near the ocean. You loved chasing squirrels and ducks, even though you wouldn’t hurt a flea. You loved car rides and road trips back to Wyoming. You would look out the window smiling, taking in the beauty of long road trips through Idaho and Montana. We would stop in Idaho and walk around lake Couer’d’alene, but you really loved it when we stopped and spent time in the mountains of Montana. Once we were back in Wyoming to visit “Grandma”, you enjoyed basking in the sun during the summer and making snow angels at Christmas time. Everyone would laugh because they had never seen a dog make snow angels before. We shared so many great memories. When I am sad that you are no longer with me, I am grateful to be able to think of all the great times we shared together.

    We would also make sure to always visit Dr Jane every time we made it home to Casper. We traveled nearly 1200 miles so Honey could see her “Dr Jane”. That is how much we valued you as a vet and considered you a friend. Honey loved to come visit you and for good reason, Honey had the best quality of life possible because of everything you did for her. Dr Jane, for all you did for Honey, I cannot thank you enough.

    Honey, you changed my life forever and my life will not be the same without you. I will forever miss your smiling face and the comfort your love brought to me. Rest in peace sweet pea.

    Jessica McMahan
  • Teiko

    We had to say goodbye to our Teiko on October 4th. It was one of the hardest things we’ve ever had to do. Teiko was a yellow lab. He came into our family 13 years ago when he was just a puppy – a small yellow ball of fluff. We knew right away he was special. He brought a new level of happiness and laughter to our family. He was smart, fun, and loving. When our son was born, Teiko welcomed him into the family with gentleness and extreme tolerance. Once our son began to crawl, he would try to play with Teiko by looking in his ears and mouth. A lot of the time he would do this while Teiko was trying to eat. Teiko would always just sit there and let our son play around with him and his food. Once our son moved on to something else, Teiko would finish eating. He was so very gentle. Teiko made sure none of us were every lonely. He loved to follow us around the house wherever we would go. When we would go outside, he would follow, searching immediately for his ball with a sense of urgency and excitement that made us laugh and melt. We would all have to take turns throwing the ball for him. We would wear out long before he would! Teiko would bark like crazy anytime someone would come to our door. He would tend to scare some people with his bark and his “smile” but all he was saying was “play with me, please!”. Teiko LOVED going to the vet to see Dr. Jane and the staff. Didn’t matter why he was there, he was just happy. That was Teiko – always happy.

    Teiko was the best dog any family could ever have. He loved us as we loved him, he protected us, and made us laugh. When he was at his sickest, he would still make every effort to greet us at the door when we would come home. It was as if he knew that it was part of his purpose. He couldn’t play anymore but he could greet us at the door with his tail wagging.

    Thank you Dr. Jane and staff. You took such great care of Teiko. You went above and beyond what you had to do for him. He loved you all and we are very much appreciative of all you have done for him.

    We miss you Teiko. Thank you for doing what dogs do best – loving us and letting us love you. Rest in peace.

    Judi, Jim, Kala, and Cameron Moore

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Rocky Mountain Animal Hospital
1551 Centennial Court 
Casper, Wyoming 82609


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